Stourbridge & Halesowen

Stourbridge Beer Festival


The festival is held in Stourbridge Town Hall in Market Street. The entrance is within the Crown Centre/Tesco building.


Many thanks to Dave Holden for

Opening Hours

Wednesday 25th April 2018.......7pm - 10pm CAMRA MEMBERS AND INVITED GUESTS ONLY. Non-members are welcome to join at the festival admissions desk.

Thursday 26th April 2018...........7pm - 11pm

Friday 27th April 2018..........12 noon - 11pm

Saturday 28th April 2018......12 noon - 9pm We may close earlier if all the beer has run out.


Your £10 express admission includes the admission charge, souvenir glass and beer tokens. Glass charge is refundable if you return your undamaged glass. Unused values on tokens can be refunded or donated to charity.

Beer List

Beer List 2018

Cider List

Cider List


We can't organise the festival without the help of CAMRA volunteers. If you're a CAMRA member please help if you can.

Go to our Volunteer Page on

Designated Driver

We are running our designated driver scheme again this year. The nominated driver in your group will get a discount on admission and two free soft drinks.

Hot & Cold Food

Hot and cold food will be available to purchase, hot meals available include locally sourced faggots, chips and mushy peas.


If you're thinking of joining CAMRA at the festival, check-out these benefits:

  • Admission charge discounted to CAMRA rate if you join at the festival.*
  • Free pints of beer and discounts at local pubs in our new members ‘Goody’ bag.**
  • £20 JD Wetherspoon vouchers
  • Add and view your beer scores on the web site.
  • Reduced or free admission to over 150 UK beer festivals, including local festivals at Dudley, Kidderminster, Birmingham and the Great British Beer Festival.
  • Monthly What's Brewing newspaper and quarterly Beer magazine.
  • Discounts on travel, finance and insurance products.
  • Discounts and special offers on CAMRA books, products and services.

    * When you join CAMRA at the membership stand we will refund £2 of your entry charge.

    ** Limited numbers, first come, first served. Offers may change depending on stock availability.